Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the bitter cold

The weather here is insanely erratic, one minute it's warm-ish, the next it's as cold as Satan's heart. Today is one of those extremely cold days. It's so cold that the only thing you feel like doing is snuggle under the duvet with the radiator on full blast. Alas, that would only happen in an ideal world. In the real world, however, which I sometimes call hell, the radiator is down and you're stuck at your desk 'conveniently' placed by the window, rushing to meet your deadlines.

Yes, we do like to talk about the weather here. This is a very random post, but at least it prevents the blog from dying. Dear anyone who's reading this, post something next week :p.


Blogger Ryan said...

haha yi lun you're right... we spend all our time talking about weather... for a good reason +_+

that said I doubt anyone's bothered to post anything anytime soon +_+

7:41 PM  

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