Saturday, March 29, 2008

end of holidays

well.. its been a refreshing one month break for me here. its time to go back to uni. im actually kind of looking forward to it loh.
coz now right, imu has built a futsal and basketball court next to the campus. so everyday i will PLAY!! syokkkkkkk. hehehe

its been an unfruitful month. lazing around but thats what semester break is all about no?

william actually called me when he came down and asked whether he could stay at my place but i really didnt get the message =s and now he refuses to acknowledge my existence. haha sorry sorry!!! but i really didnt get your message william.

wei jien on the other hand kept msging me to ask to meet up. bout 5-6 times. in the end when i clean my vista apartment d, he msg me say he cannot come and on his way back to australia. LOL.


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